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Meet SurfCleaner at ERTC 2023

Surfcleaner will attend the European Refining Technology Conference in Lago Maggiore

Surfcleaner founder Christina Lundbäck, CEO Johnny Sajland, and regional sales director Frédéric Peytié will attend the European Refining Technology Conference ERTC23 from 13-16 November in Lago Maggiore, Italy to connect with other delegates and explore partnerships where Surfcleaner skimmer separator technology is well-suited to recover floating oil and reduce emissions from refinery wastewater treatment.

Surfcleaner oil separation systems can be installed in existing refinery wastewater treatment facilities to continuously separate and recover floating oil pollution. The technology provides an efficient and effective wastewater treatment solution, operating on very low power, and helping refineries meet sustainability commitments: 

  • Comply with effluent regulations
  • Lower ppm of hydrocarbons in wastewater
  • Reduce VOCs

Surfcleaner devices collect and recover oil sheen as thin as >0.1 μm with a water content of less than 5%. The recovered oil can often be reused, contributing to the circular economy. This was done successfully in a case study with Sonatrach. The Italian refinery installed Surfcleaner devices in covered API basins to recover and re-refine nearly 100% of the wasted oil while contributing to the refinery’s ESG goals.

ERTC is a European refinery conference that brings together industry leaders from more than 250 refineries and refinery solution providers. The 2023 conference addresses topics of climate impact, regulatory considerations, and decarbonization.  

Send us a note if you would like to connect with Surfcleaner at ERTC or if you would like to learn more about Surfcleaner solutions for refinery wastewater treatment.  

You can also schedule a meeting with Surfcleaner during ERTC. Send us a direct message via our LinkedIn profiles or come by our stand 21 at the expo.

Connect with Christina Lundbäck on LinkedIn

Connect with Johnny Sajland on LinkedIn

Connect with Frédéric Peytié on LinkedIn