Easy integration with your process control system

No need for manual supervision

Separates floating oil, diesel and more
Easy integration with your process control system
No need for manual supervision
Separates floating oil, diesel and more
Industries extensively use water in their manufacturing, cooling and washing processes, unavoidably producing oil-contaminated wastewater during their production cycle.
Handling of floating oil is an important job in industrial wastewater management. Floating pollutants in industrial wastewater often contains harmful biodegradable and non-biodegradable contaminants which can build up very fast.
Developed to treat wastewater and floating oil in particular, Surfcleaner SCO 8000 is used in industrial wastewater treatment facilities on a large scale. Once set, it continuously removes floating oil in an energy-saving and environmental-friendly way. Surfcleaner SCO 1000 is used to remove oil, diesel, petrol and other pollutants from water surfaces.